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  1. #1
    Erfahrener Benutzer Avatar von Claudia Closmann
    Registriert seit
    Budapest / Weissenthurm

    Standard 'A Rescuer's Christmas'

    Dies kam heute morgen ueber RR-Folk, verfasst von Elizabeth Akers.

    T'was the night before Christmas, And all through the pound
    Not a creature was hopeful, Not even the hound.
    The dogs stayed together, all piled in a mound,
    they dreamed of past lives and of homes yet unfound

    The food bins were full though - fresh water aflowing
    Some puppies huddled and whimpered, they did not know it was snowing
    They dreamed of a warmth they had not yet been given
    such bliss that would be, could they be in such heaven?

    The stench overwhelmed them, the death overpowering
    The hopelessness evident in all their surrounding
    Yet every so often a head would raise up and
    a noise could be heard that sounded like "help"

    The chain link a-clanking, the cold and the smell
    They watched dogs arrive - there many unwell
    The officer dragging the pit by the chain, was he tame?
    The rottweiler snarling, cold, afraid and so lame.

    The springer a snoring, the bulldog awake
    The lhasa so matted it needs a good rake
    The cocker had cherry eye,a man picked him up quick
    He took little Muffin to a vet who was slick

    the shepherd so loyal, cast out all the same -
    alone and unhappy to the shelter it came
    A small little Pom, half naked, not at all bold
    Some one had dumped her out into the cold

    The Ridgeback was dying, his life almost gone
    when a young little voice cried "Oh Mum, he's the one."
    They swathed him in blankets turned the heater up high.
    The old hound was delirious and gave a huge sigh

    The boy said please hurry to his mom in the car
    and they raced the old Ridgeback to the vet not too far
    The boy prayed for the hound dog, that one with the ridge
    and hoped that soon he would steal food from the fridge

    The vet treated him well and the hound soon sat up
    he thought he was dreaming that he was again a small pup
    He was dry, warm and toasty, he was really not wet,
    He had arms all around him, they held him tight yet

    He thought back to the shelter and what he had left
    and hoped very fervently the others had not wept
    as they sat in the cold and the damp and the wet
    just waiting and waiting to go to the vet

    The hound hoped for saviours for the rest at the pound
    It was Christmas after all, they deserved to sleep sound
    The hound, he was rescued, just in time, so it would seem
    The others - forgotten - except for the rescuer's dream

    To save them all finally, let not one of them die
    Is each rescuer's fantasy, let us not live a lie
    We can spay, we can neuter, we can chip and tattoo
    Let us give them a Christmas and a whole life anew

    Elizabeth Akers
    December 2003

  2. #2
    fast nur freundliche Hexe Avatar von Feli
    Registriert seit


    oh *schnüff*
    Punish the deed, not the breed. Look at the hand holding the lead.

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