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08.04.2003, 19:15
PVO 38/69


SPCA Member Centres:
Bulawayo - Chegutu - Chinhoyi - Chiredzi - Gweru - Harare - Hwange - Kadoma - Kwekwe - Marondera - Mashava - Masvingo - Mutare - Zvishavane



This year has been incredibly hectic without any sign of letting up. Despite reports to the contrary, farm occupations and designations continue. Whilst in the area, Meryl established that 44 more Karoi and Tengwe farmers are being evicted, just at the point when their crops are reaching maturity. One family were forced off without their belongings and despite assurances by authorities that they could return to collect their possessions, were refused entrance by the invaders who said that they would set fire to their home if they returned.

The team rescued ' Bart' the Boerboel from Beatrice, for the second time. They had rescued him previously and the family had later returned to their farm but have once again been evicted. He had lost weight, not having had food or water for 3 days, but was otherwise unharmed. All cattle have been uplifted but the new occupants would not permit the removal of the Simmental bull which is injured and his condition is reported to be deteriorating. Meryl will negotiate for his release on Monday.

In Harare South area a family was physically forced off their farm despite the fact that the time period on their Section 8 notice had not expired. The farm owner's elderly wife was still in her pajamas - she was refused permission to dress and had to leave the farm as she was. Of their 4 dogs, 3 have been PTS by request. Their horses were walked off the farm without incident.

As reported earlier this year, there is an increased level of militancy accompanying the occupations. Meryl reports the presence of 'green bombers' in all areas. For the most part they have not interfered with the work of the rescue team. Meryl advises that many of them are very young (+-16) and all sporting new uniforms, which comprise of a bottle green uniform with the Zim flag on the pocket, peak cap, red epaulettes and black boots.

We are saddened to have to report that 38 head of Sable mentioned in earlier reports were sent to Saudi Arabia without our knowledge, despite assurances that this would not occur. It is believed that they will be used for game hunts. We have also received information that the Zimbabwe Wildlife Advisory Council are planning to send a further 60 of the Sable to South Africa. We have been unable to establish the destination. The Zimbabwe Wildlife Advisory Council, despite this misleading title, is a private company owned by Ed Kadzombe who has very lofty connections which places Parks and Wildlife officials in an invidious position. They have refused permission for this translocation but all indications are that it will go ahead.

Our wildlife concerns remain very high. The Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force reports that a further white rhino was found shot and dehorned in Matusadona on 11 February.

In the Chiredzi Conservancy 3 tame elephants have been shot by a National Parks employee on instructions from the DA, despite the fact that there had been no reports of problem animals. These animals are from a herd of 25, including 7 babies. All had been darted, captured, kept in boma's and released, forming a herd in the Conservancy. Initially 2 animals were shot, tragically with body shots, so that both animals fled. The remains of one animal has been found - with ivory and meat stripped. The second animal has not been found and despite strenuous objections, a third animal has been shot. The Parks officer claims that it was the wounded animal but this is yet to be confirmed as witnesses have given conflicting information. There is great concern as there is a newborn calf in the herd and it has not yet been established whether any of the animals shot were its mother.

We have also finally received feed-back on the consignment of animals which were sent to Abuja in September 2001 - of the pair of giraffes sent, the male died within a few weeks of arrival - the young buffalo are reported to have run out of their crates and straight into the surrounding fence, killing themselves. The most tragic report related to the wild caught female Leopard. She is reported to have still been in her travel crate in April 2002 because there were no suitable enclosures for carnivores. She was being kept at 'Aso Rock', the President's compound as there was no place at the zoo. It was reportedly said that "people are afraid to feed it because it is too wild". She is believed to have died of thirst and starvation. Her suffering and torment must have been unimaginable.

Despite being assured otherwise, we have been advised that a further consignment is being collected and Meryl has received information that a second Leopard was to be sent to Abuja - this time a captive bred male - but we have been informed by National Parks that he died before being sent - cause of death as yet unknown. According to the records Meryl managed to obtain sight of, under the entry for the Leopard, the death has been recorded along with 'to be replaced'.

In a separate incident, Meryl was asked to arrange for the removal of 20 Zebra by a war vet on Dambury Park Farm (formerly owned by the Baileys - mentioned in last year's reports), but when she arrived it was to find that the Zebra had been sold to Ed Kadzombe for export - destination unknown.

Another tragic situation which has been uncovered was the smuggling of donkeys from Zimbabwe to Zambia. The ZRP from Kezi are to be commended for uncovering the racket. This occurred when a civilian reported to the police that he had just seen some of his missing donkeys on a truck leaving town. The Police managed to catch up with the truck which was carrying approximately 50 animals. Due to the manner in which they had been loaded and were being carried, several animals and gone down and been trampled Six were already dead. It is believed that the animals were intended to for use as live bait. This was a smuggling operation as it is illegal to export donkeys from Zimbabwe. The case involves a government vet who compounded the matter by having all the animals 'branded' after they had been impounded in an attempt to cover up the origins of the animals.

On a rescue in the Concession area at probably the biggest dairy farm in the country, Meryl had been asked to recover 2 dogs and 2 cats. When Meryl and Jimmy arrived at the property, the war vet, 'Ngwenya', who occupied the farmhouse came to the gate and warmly greeted Meryl and Jimmy and the policeman who accompanied them and then putting his face inches away from Meryl said 'get out'. Meryl stood her ground and advised that they were there to uplift the pets and check on the condition of the cattle. Ngwenya became abusive and ranted at Jimmy "why did you bring 'the white'? I told you not to bring 'the white' ". He then took a stick from a worker and threatened Meryl 'I'll show you how rough I can be - you're going to get beaten just now". Meryl said he proceeded on a barrage of racial abuse and said the only worthwhile 'whites' were Lenin and Marx. He ended by stating that they could not take the dogs. In a complete turnabout he then invited Meryl to a nearby store for a cooldrink. She agreed hoping to persuade him to release the pets. He told her that his earlier conduct was just 'intimidatory tactics'. He agreed that the pets could go and the cattle could be checked. When Meryl advised that she would return with the government vet and animal health inspector, Ngwenya again lost his temper and said that Meryl was an 'MDC spy and was white scum working for the farmer'.

Meryl gained approval from Dispol for the area and returned with a police sergeant and constable. Again Meryl was denied entry but Mark and Jimmy gained access. However, the situation rapidly deteriorated without Meryl to stand up to his threats and they again left without the pets but were able to establish that some of the heifers were ill from suspected Lantana poisoning (a noxious weed), a calf was suffering from Tetanus and the sheep were suffering from footrot. No silage was seen. Meryl will persevere, hopefully with the co-operation of other war vets, to secure the release of the pets. It is gratifying to report that many of the war vets and settlers who were previously hostile towards the team are now co-operating and in some instances assisting them. Meryl has also received requests to return and carry out educational activities and to treat domestic animals.

Following our reports of the added safety risk Meryl and team have been facing this year, IFAW are most generously providing high frequency radio equipment in order that the team's movements can be monitored and they can keep in touch with each other at all times. We greatly appreciate this support for the vital work of the ZNSPCA.

We are also indebted to the NSPCA - SA (Zimhelp Fund) for procuring the human rabies vaccine with which to vaccinate SPCA Inspectors and the National team following an upsurge of rabies in Zimbabwe - 3 Inspectors have been exposed to animals confirmed to have rabies.

And finally we must thank the Zimbabwe Pet Rescue Project for the 6 tons of dry dog and cat foot, as well as euthanaise and vaccines which have arrived and is being distributed to all of our centres who are struggling to get supplies. We will be appealing to them for assistance with the procurement of animal rabies vaccine as government vets report that their supplies are now at critically low levels.



11.04.2003, 22:21
I keep hoping that the next report I write will be to let everyone know that things have taken a turn for the better. Regrettably, in this report we can only let you know that the situation has taken a further turn for the worse. Meryl and the rescue team bravely and determinedly battle on but there just does not appear to be any end in sight.

Following the mass civil action on 18 and 19 March, there have been wholesale violent acts of retribution meted out to any and all perceived government opponents. The level of brutality has left us all completely stunned and shocked.

Inevitably innocent animals are 'caught in the crossfire'. Many of you will have seen footage of the young female opposition supporter who was raped with the barrel of an automatic weapon and had her arm slashed resulting in permanent nerve damage. Despite her horrific experience, this brave soul provided information to Meryl about a dog which had been badly injured during the violent reprisals.

The rescue team recovered 'Shumba' from a house in Mabvuka, Harare. The owners had been hospitalised due to the extent of their injuries. It is reported that 8 men in army uniform arrived at their home late at night and before beating the occupants, they first beat 'Shumba', a female Collie cross who had tried to protect her owners. They beat her with rubber batons and neighbours said they had heard the dog 'screaming' during the attack. The team rescued Shumba and took her straight to a vet who reported that although completely covered in injuries, her thick coat had probably saved her from any permanent injury. She is recovering well although still not able to walk properly.

The eviction of 1000 farm workers from MDC MP Roy Bennett's farm in the Chimanimani area has also been reported in the media.

Meryl received a report from Mr Bennett that cattle on the farm had been slashed with axes. When the team arrived at the farm, they found 15 head, mainly calves and weaners (which are easy targets) that had been attacked. Most had serious gaping wounds. One young bull had a shoulder wound about 15cm deep. One weaner had received a spinal injury and could no longer walk and had to be euthanaised. All other animals have been treated and are recovering.

The most distressing part of the report is that following the team's visit, the few remaining workers on the farm who co-operated with the rescue team were subjected to a vicious beating, in particular one farm guard, who had to be hospitalised, having been beaten with a truncheon encased in a metal pipe. The beating was reportedly carried out by one Joseph Mwale of the CIO and the Officer in Charge of ZRP Chimanimani. The farm worker said that he finally begged them to shoot him as he was in such unbearable pain but was told by Mwale that he had to suffer. 5 other workers received treatment at the local clinic.

These scenes are obviously becoming more and more difficult for Meryl and the team to cope with. We have reinforced the rescue team, but the emotional stress is obviously taking its toll. They battle on and we all hope and pray that we will not have to hang on too much longer. Surely the international community can no longer stand by and ignore the worsening situation.

We must also unhappily report that 5 more black rhino have been killed in Zimbabwe. The Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force reports that 6 black rhino were caught in poachers' snares on the Bubiyana Conservancy. One was saved and one broke free with the snare still imbedded in its flesh - the remaining 4 died. The 5th rhino was reported dead at the hands of poachers on Gourlays Ranch. No further details are yet known.

As always, we strenuously commend the many wonderful people and organisations who continue to rally round us in our efforts to protect the animals of Zimbabwe. There are so many who have assisted in so many ways and we are always reluctant to name them in case we exclude any of the special people who have contributed in any way, but I am compelled to name those who have been such a tower of strength when the situation has seemed so hopeless and who have given us the encouragement and strength necessary to keep going: Organisations we must commend are the NSPCA in South Africa, IFAW, RSPCA, Vizara Ridgebacks, Zimbabwe Pet Rescue Project, WSPA, Mafikeng SPCA, the Zimbabwe Blue Cross, SPANA, Motorsport SA, the South African Animal Anti Cruelty League, Sims Black Trust, National Horse Trust, SAfm, SW Radio, the Zimbabwe Animal Support Group and the Hugg Foundation.

Individuals who need special mention are Marcelle Meredith, Chris Kuch, Val Wise, Mary Pringle, Estelle Walters, Ann Kempen, Roger Matthews, Timmy Ralfe, Sherri Williamson, Mariette van der Veer, Tracey Clarke, Beaulah Schoeman, Lisa Haylett, Patricia Glyn, Nadine Da Silva, Anne Bosman, Christine Baseotto, Linda Costa, Jimmy Bass, Pat Sessi and Howard and Jane Why.

There are many other individuals, companies and organisations who have been supporting us with regular donations and kind messages of commendation or who have been disseminated our reports. In all the chaos and pressure we are working under, I know you will fully understand if we have omitted you from our messages. We thank each and every one of you. We really could not do it without you.

Should any individuals, especially ex-Zimbabweans, wish to receive copies of other reports relating to the situation in Zimbabwe, please let me know.

Best regards


11.04.2003, 22:49
I am very sad !
i hope many of us can read the whole text!(translate in german)
Webmaster, come on !
Setzt den Report in deutsch ein, auch wenn es vielen schwer fallen wird,
das ganze ELEND zu ertragen!
zuviel verlangt oder zu hart für das Forum,
traurige Grüße

Claudia Closmann
12.04.2003, 10:50
Immer wieder hoffe ich, dass mein naechster Bericht von einer Besserung berichtet. Leider kann ich Euch in diesem Bericht nur wissen lassen, dass die Lage sich noch weiter verschlechtert hat. Meryl und das Rettungsteam kaempfen tapfer und entschlossen, aber es sieht nicht so aus als ob ein Ende abzusehen ist.

Nach der Massenzivilklage am 18 & 19 Maerz gab es grossangelegte Akte der Grausamkeit die sich gegen alles und jeden richten die als Staatsgegner gesehen werden. Der Grad der Brutalitaet hat uns alle geschockt und gelaehmt.

Unausweichlich befinden sich unschuldige Tiere in der 'Schusslinie'. Viele von Euch werden den Bericht ueber die junge Oppositionsanhaengerin gesehen haben, die mit dem Lauf eines Automatikgewehrs vergewaltigt wurde und deren Arm aufgeschlitzt wurde, sodass der Nerv dort fuer immer beschaedigt sein wird. Trotz ihrer schrecklichen Erfahrung hat diese tapfere Seele Meryl von einem Hund berichtet, der waehrend der brutalen Repressalien schwer verletzt wurde

Das Rettungsteam konnte 'Shumba' aus einem Haus in Mabvuka, Harare herausholen. Die Besitzer waren auf grund ihrer schweren Verletzungen im Krankenhaus. Es wurde berichtet dass 8 Maenner in Militaeruniform spaet nachts in ihr Haus eindrangen. Bevor sie die Besitzer zusammenschlugen, schlugen sie erst auf 'Shumba', eine Colliemixhuendin die versuchte ihre Besitzer zu beschuetzen, ein. Sie schlugen sie mit Gummiknueppeln und Nachbarn berichteten, dass sie die Huendin schreien hoerten. Das REttungsteam brachte 'Shumba' sofort zum TA der sagte, dass sie auf grund ihres dichten Fells vor bleibenden Schaeden geschuetzt wurde obwohl ihr ganzer Koerper von Wunden uebersaeht war. Sie ist auf dem Wege zur Genesung obwohl sie immer noch nicht richtig laufen kann.

Die Raeumungsorder gegen 1000 Farmarbeiter von MDC MP Roy Bennett's farm in der Chimanimani Gegend ging auch durch die Presse.

Meryl bekam einen Bericht von Mr Bennett, dass Vieh auf der Farm mit Aexten aufgeschlitzt wurden. Als das Rettungsteam ankam, fanden sie 15 Stueck Vieh, hauptsaechlich Kaelber und gerade entwoehnte Jungtiere (die natuerlich leichte Opfer sind). Die meisten Tiere hatten ernsthafte, klaffende Wunden. Ein junger Bulle hatte eine Schulterwunde von ca. 15 cm Tiefe. Ein Jungtier war an der Wirbelsaeule verletzt sodass es nicht mehr gehen konnte und eingeschlaefert werden musste. Alle anderen Tiere wurden behandelt und sind auf dem Wege der Genesung.

Am schlimmsten ist der Absatz dass die verbleibenden Farmarbeiter, die mit dem Rettungsteam zusammengearbeitet hatten, brutal zusammengeschalgen wurden, nachdem das Rettungsteam die Farm verlassen hatte. Besonders schlimm traf es einen Farmwaechter, der ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert werden musste nachdem er mit einem Gummiknueppel zusammengschlagen wurde der in einem Metallrohr steckte. Der Schlaeger war ein gewisser Joseph Mwale der zur CIO gehoert und auch Officer in Chrarge der ZRP Chimanimani ist. Der Farmabeiter sagte, er hage schliesslich darum gebeten erschossen zu werden, da seine Schmerzen unertraeglich seien, aber Mwale sagte ihm, dass er leiden muesse. 5 andere Arbeiter werden in der oertlichen Klinik behandelt.

Fuer Meryl und ihr Team wird es natuerlich immer schwieriger mit Situationen wie dieser fertig zu werden. Wir haben das Rettungsteam verstaerkt, aber der emotionale Stress hinterlaesst seine Spuren. Sie kaempfen weiter und wir alle hoffen und beten, dass es bald vorbei ist. Wir hoffen dass die internationale Gemeinschaft diese Zustaende nicht laenger hinnehmen wird.

Ungluecklicherweise sind 5 weitere schwarze Nashoerner in Zimbabwe getoetet worden. Die Zimbabwe Conversation Task Force berichtet dass 6 schwarze Nashoerner in Fallen von Wilddieben auf dem Bubiyana Park gefangen wurden. Eines wurde gerettet und ein anderes befreite sich, mit der Falle in seinem Fleisch, die uebrigen 4 starben. Das 5. Nashorn wurde durch Wilddiebe auf der Gourlay Ranch getoetet. Weitere Details sind nicht bekannt.

Wie immer bedanken wir uns bei den vielen wunderbaren Menschen und Organisationen bedanken die uns weiterhin in unseren Bemuehungen unterstuetzen, die Tiere in Zimbabwe zu retten. Es gibt so viele, die in uns in so vielfaeltiger Weise geholfen haben, dass wir wir immer zoegern Namen zu nennen. Dennoch moechte ich die nennen, die wahre Bollwerke der Staerke gewesen sind, wenn die Situation schier auswegslos erschien und die uns ermutigten und uns die Staerke gaben weiterzumachen: Organisationen denen wir danken sind die NSPCA in Suedafrica, IFAW< RSPCA, Vizara Ridgebacks, Zimbabwe Pet Rescue Project, WSPA, Mafikeng SPCA, das Zimbabwe Blue Cross, SPANA, Motorsport SA, die Suedafrikanische Vereinigung gegen Tierquaelerie, Sims Black Trust, National Horse Trust, SAfm, SW Radio, die Zimbabwe Animal Support Group und die Hugg Stiftung.

Einzelne, die spezieller Nennung beduerfen sind: Marcelle Meredith, Chris Kuch, Val Wise, Mary Pringle, Estelle Walters, Ann Kempen, Roger Matthews, Timmy Ralfe, Sherri Williamson, Mariette van der Veer, Tracey Clarke, Beaulah Schoeman, Lisa Haylett, Patricia Glyn, Nadine Da Silva, Anne Bosman, Christine Baseotto, Linda Costa, Jimmy Bass, Pat Sessi and Howard und Jane Why.

Es gab viele andere Einzelpersonen, Firmen und Organisationen die uns mit regelmaessigen Spenden und moralischer Unterstuetzung weitergeholfen haben oder die unsere Berichte verbreitet haben. In all dem Chaos und dem Druck unter dem wir arbeiten, weiss ich, dass Ihr Verstaendnis haben werdet, sollten wir Euch in unseren Berichten ausgelassen haben. Wir danken Euch allen. Ohne Euch waere es nicht moeglich gewesen.

Sollten andere Einzelpersonen, besonders Ex-Zimbabwer andere Berichte ueber die Situation in Zimbabwe wuenschen, so lasst es mich bitte wissen.

Beste Gruesse,


12.04.2003, 15:09
Vielen Dank, Claudia
perfekt Deine Übersetzung;
unglaublich trauriger Bericht, über die brutalen Überfälle
in Zimbabwe!