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to all the animal's lovers who have compassion to the helpless, I'm forwarding an urgent @mail I got, please see what you can do to help:
I am appealing personally to all those who I feel may be able to assist. If you have any further suggestions, please do not hesitate to let me know.
The situation in Zimbabwe is worsening for both humans and animals – with animals now being in the front line. The SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) is doing their absolute best to rescue as many farm animals - cattle, sheep, poultry, goats, ostriches, even crocodiles - as possible.
Many farmers have in the last few days been forced off their farms at gunpoint, and are not able to take anything with them, not even domestic pets. These include dogs, cats, birds, guinea pigs, horses and donkeys – any animal that needs care. The farmers are not permitted back onto the farms, however, SPCA is able to get onto the farms, and does their very best to recover animals – even when they have been stolen from the farms and into the bush or tribal areas. They use tracker dogs to trace the stolen animals.
Meryl Harrison, the head of the National SPCA, is rescuing as many of these animals as possible. As she is apolitical, she is accompanied by a police escort, and her recovery rate of pets is extremely good. They need drugs, equipment and manpower over and beyond what they already have, as the scale of their rescue mission is unprecedented for Zimbabwe. You may have read about some of her experiences in The Daily Telegraph (UK).
She is not fighting a losing battle, but she does need funds. Just today I have started to do what I can and collect funds for the SPCA, to be sourced to Meryl to be used at her discretion. I am contacting all of the friends of the Ridgeback Clubs that I can think of, and already the response has been extremely promising.
Time is important. I am collecting the money myself, and making sure it gets to Meryl through the channels I have. Please trust me, as I trust Meryl.
I have opened a separate bank account in Australia specifically for this purpose. Details as follows:
Bank: Westpac Banking Corporation, Buderim, Qld, Australia
Account name : ANIMAL RESCUE
Branch: (BSB) 034243
Account number: 149163
Many thanks,
Linda Costa
11 - 17 Greenwood Close
Buderim QLD 4556