Eine Bitte alle Rhodesian Ridgeback Freunde.

Gebt Eure Stimme Bonny von Etosha Rescue.

Hier besteht die Möglichkeit Rhodesian Ridgebacks in Not in den USA zu helfen.
Bonnys Lebenswerk ist es sich für gequälte und schlecht gehaltenen Ridgeback einzusetzen.

Wie überall in der Welt ist das Problem bei Tierschutzorganisationen immer das mangelnde Geld.
Es dauert nur ein paar Minuten. Bitte Link öffnen und abstimmen.

Danke an alle die Ihr helfen.


Das ist die originale Mail von Angel mit dem Aufruf um Hilfe
Hey Everyone,

I am working on my son's computer while I am out of town, but since everyday counts I really wanted to get this information out as quickly as possible. Basically there is a contest going on where an animal shelter can win quite a lot of money. The contest is easy since it only takes going to the link listed below and voting for the shelter of your choice. I am hoping that all of you agree that Etosha Rescue is one of the most worthy shelters around. She also really needs everyone's help. Since the economy is bad, she is not getting the donations and help needed. Winning this contest would allow her to continue helping Ridgebacks. Also, several of her grants have been delayed because of the economy. If you agree that Etosha and Bonney's work is worthwhile, please take the few seconds needed to help us out. Since people can vote everyday, the only way for Etosha to win is for us to do the same. Taking a few seconds to vote everyday would help out even more. The following is the link:


PLEASE help us out. I really believe Bonney deserves to win and could really use the help. Also, if you know of anyone else that would help us out, please forward this e-mail to them!

Thanks & God Bless!